
There are several ways to deal with personally identifiable information (PII). By default, the integration will mask all text content with * and block all media elements (img, svg, video, object, picture, embed, map, audio). This can be disabled by setting maskAllText to false. It's also possible to add the following CSS classes to specific DOM elements to prevent recording their contents: sentry-block, sentry-ignore, and sentry-mask. The following sections will show examples of how content is handled by the differing methods.


Masking replaces the text content with something else. The default masking behavior is to replace each character with a *. Elements with class name sentry-mask or the attribute data-sentry-mask will be blocked. In this example, the relevant HTML code is: <table class="sentry-mask">...</table>:

Replay PII Scrubbing example


Blocking replaces the element with a placeholder that has the same dimensions. The recording will show an empty space in place of the content. Elements with class name sentry-block or the attribute data-sentry-block will be blocked. In this example, the relevant HTML code is: <table data-sentry-block>...</table>: Blocking example


Ignoring only applies to form inputs. Events will be ignored on the input element so that the replay doesn't show what occurs inside of the input. Any event on an input element with class name sentry-ignore or the attribute data-sentry-ignore will be ignored. Notice how the results in the table below show input changes, but no visible text:

Ignoring Example

Privacy Configuration

The following options can be configured as options to the integration, in new Replay({}):

maskstring[].sentry-mask, [data-sentry-mask]Mask all elements that match the given DOM selectors. See Masking section for an example. Note that any configured selectors will be in addition to the defaults.
maskAllTextbooleantrueMask all text content. Will pass text content through maskFn before sending to server.
maskAllInputsbooleantrueMask values of <input> elements. Passes input values through maskFn before sending to server.
blockstring[].sentry-block, [data-sentry-block]Redact all elements that match the DOM selector(s). See Blocking section for an example. Note that any configured selectors will be in addition to the defaults.
blockAllMediabooleantrueBlock all media elements (img, svg, video, object, picture, embed, map, audio).
ignorestring[].sentry-ignore, [data-sentry-ignore]Ignores all events on the matching input fields. See Ignoring above for an example.
maskFn(text: string) => string(text) => '*'.repeat(text.length)Function to customize how text content is masked before sending to server. By default, masks text with *.
unblockstring[].sentry-unblock, [data-sentry-unblock]Don't redact any elements that match the DOM selectors. Used to unblock specific media elements that are blocked with blockAllMedia. This doesn't affect sensitive elements such as password.
unmaskstring[].sentry-unmask, [data-sentry-unmask]Unmask all elements that match the given DOM selectors. Used to unmask specific elements that are masked with maskAllText.

Network Request and Response Bodies and Headers

Collecting request and response bodies is an opt-in feature. That's because the best way to avoid getting PII into Sentry is by not adding URLs of endpoints that may contain PII. Additionally, Sentry attempts to scrub certain types of sensitive data from request and response bodies, if you accidentally opt-in to a URL that includes this type of data. This mechanism happens on our ingestion service, before data hits our disks. This is a best effort approach which pattern-matches the content with things like credit card information, social security numbers, and passwords.

More details about this feature can be found in the configuration page.

Custom Scrubbing

The beforeAddRecordingEvent has been added starting with SDK version 7.53.0. It allows you to modify, scrub the recordings to remove PII, or ignore recording events before they leave the browser. These events include console logs, network requests, and response data.

new Sentry.Replay({
  beforeAddRecordingEvent: (event) => {
    // Filter out specific events
    if ( === "foo") {
      return null;

    // Remember to return an event if you want to keep it!
    return event;

Example: Capturing 500 Status Codes Only

Here's an example showing how to only capture fetch requests that return a 500 status code. (Non-fetch requests would continue to be captured normally.)

new Sentry.Replay({
  beforeAddRecordingEvent: (event) => {
    // Do not capture fetch/xhr requests, unless the response code is 500
    if ( === "performanceSpan" &&
      ( === "resource.fetch" || === "resource.xhr") && !== 500
    ) {
      return null;

    return event;

We also have server-side PII scrubbing for this data. It looks for certain patterns such as American social security numbers, credit cards, and private keys.

Deprecated Options

Note that the privacy API prior to version 7.35.0 has been deprecated and replaced with the options above. Please see the Replay migration guide for further information.

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