Data Source Name (DSN)

Sentry automatically assigns you a Data Source Name (

DSNThe Data Source Name (DSN) key tells the Sentry SDK where to send events, ensuring they go to the right project.
) when you create a
projectRepresents your service in Sentry and allows you to scope events to a distinct application.
to start monitoring events in your app.

What the DSN Does


DSNThe Data Source Name (DSN) key tells the Sentry SDK where to send events, ensuring they go to the right project.
tells a Sentry SDK where to send events so the events are associated with the correct
projectRepresents your service in Sentry and allows you to scope events to a distinct application.

If this value is not provided, SDKs will try to read it from the SENTRY_DSN environment variable, where applicable. This fallback does not apply in cases like a web browser, where the concept of environment variables does not exist.

If an SDK is not initialized or if it is initialized with an empty DSN, the SDK will not send any data over the network, such as captured exceptions.

DSN Utilization

DSNs are safe to keep public because they only allow submission of new events and related event data; they do not allow read access to any information.

While there is a risk of abusing a

DSNThe Data Source Name (DSN) key tells the Sentry SDK where to send events, ensuring they go to the right project.
, where any user can send events to your organization with any information they want, this is a rare occurrence. Sentry provides controls to block IPs and similar concerns. You can also rotate (and revoke) DSNs by navigating to [Project] > Settings > Client Keys (DSN).

If your application is shipped to client devices, if possible, we recommend having a way to configure the DSN dynamically. In an ideal scenario, you can "ship" a new DSN to your application without the customer downloading the latest version. We recognize that this may not always be practical, but we cannot offer further advice as this scenario is implementation specific.

Where to Find Your DSN

If you're in the process of setting up a

projectRepresents your service in Sentry and allows you to scope events to a distinct application.
, you can find your
DSNThe Data Source Name (DSN) key tells the Sentry SDK where to send events, ensuring they go to the right project.
in the installation or configuration code snippets provided in during setup:

DSN in code snippet

You can also find the DSN in your project settings by navigating to [Project] > Settings > Client Keys (DSN) in

The Parts of the DSN


DSNThe Data Source Name (DSN) key tells the Sentry SDK where to send events, ensuring they go to the right project.
configures the protocol, public key, server address, and
projectRepresents your service in Sentry and allows you to scope events to a distinct application.
identifier. It is composed of the following parts:


For example:

Sentry.init({ dsn: "" });

Has the following settings:

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